Friday, December 17, 2010

Social Media

This year in Social media I learned quite a lot! I loved learning all about the fun tools that are out their to use. I knew Google was a great resource page but I had no idea about all the different tools that it has for you! I loved to learn about Blogger and how it works. The Meez characters was an absolute blast! Creating your own character, making them look and be like you was pretty awesome! I was glad to hear about all the Internet Safety tips as well. It's good to know that their are safe ways to be on the internet and still have fun. I hope to continue this class next year! Thank you Mrs. James for a great semester!

Internet safety!

The internet is a fun and great tool that helps you in many ways! There is some danger to getting onto the computer though. Here are some tips on how to be safe on the internet! Click the picture below.NOTA - Internet%20Safety!%20-%20Cyber%20Safety%20101"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Blaine and my drawing! We were allowed to draw the same picture at the same time! It was really fun! This website also lets you chat to the person you are drawing with! Want to try? Click Here